Black Python Devs Initiatives

Build Local Black Community

We believe it is incredibly important that local community is supported as much as possible.

They raise the overall capability of Pythonistas in their area with much more consistency.

Our Strategy

  • Sponsor Local Conferences/Meetups organized by Black Python Devs Community Leaders
  • Sponsorships go towards tickets for local community members to attend
  • Black Leadership Opportunity Fund

    It’s important that community leaders are able to grow and develop. Which is why we hope that we can get local leaders to global events where they can connect with other leaders in the community, learn from global professionals, and gain global support for their local initiatives.

    That being said investments into opportunity grants are extremely limited and not everyone can fund attending these larger events. Furthermore, these opportunities often mean that the recipient has to personally fund their travel, only receiving reimbursement after the fact. Not everyone can get access to higher limit credit cards, loans.

    Lastly the process for getting visas to attend can be confusing and daunting and different depending on the country. In some cases you don’t know if you can get your visa appointment in time once getting approval.

    Our Strategy

  • Offer a limited grant to community leaders to cover expenses around visa appointments.
  • Work with travel professionals to coordinate flights, hotels, and transportation while travelling.
  • Work with conferences to make their opportunity grants accessible to as many as possible addressing the concerns of our community leaders.
  • Build Black Excellence Equally

    Opportunities for Black professionals skew towards those with the ability to pay their way into a comfortable life. We can’t change how the game is played but we can play a different game.

    Black Python Devs will work with content creators to give as many opportunities to Black developers for free or at a discounted rate. This involves coordinating with sponsors. What we can’t partner on, we will find from within. We aim to create opportunities for Black Python developers to network with one another, learn together, and share their knowledge with our ever growing community.

    Our Strategy

  • Partner with content creators for bulk discounts on learning content.
  • Host regular events and programs in our Discord for folks to skill up, network, and learn from one another.
  • Learn more about Black Python Devs