Black Python Devs is a Non-Profit, fiscally hosted under the GNOME Foundation. The GNOME Foundation does take a percentage for administration costs and support but at least 90% of proceeds goes directly to Black Python Devs General Purpose Fund to support our operational costs and supporting community events in the communtiies of Black Python Developers.
Support Black Python Devs
Foundational Supporters
Black Python Devs operates primarily on support from individuals. It is those supporters that serve as the foundation for what we do.
We would like to recognize our supporters who donate at least $200 each year.
- Albert Sweigart
- Angela Andrews
- Angie Byron
- Deb Nicholson
- Erik Johnson
- Frank Wiles
- Jacqueline Kazil
- Jannis Leidel
- Jonathan Banafato
- Joseph Bannerman
- Josh Schneider
- Julia Evans
- Kevin Miller
- Lazouich Ford
- Loren Arthur
- Melanie Arbor
- Mike Fiedler
- Ngazetungue Muheue
- Philip James
- Seth Larson
- Tim Schilling
- Vance Arocho
You can view the archive of supporters* by year at
* Those who marked their desire to remain anonymous have not been included