Black Python Devs Represent in DSF Elections

The DSF Board Elections have opened and voting is available for DSF members now until 27 November 2023 (Anywhere on Earth).

Here are some Amazing stats Regarding the DSF Election as they relate to Black Python Devs.

  • 41% of the DSF Election Candidates are Black
    • All of those Candidates are in Black Python Devs Members!
  • 2 are in the Black Python Dev Leadership members running (Velda Kiara and Jay Miller)
  • 1 is a Black Python Dev Member and leader in other Orgs and Roles (Sarah Abderemane)
  • 33% of DSF Election Candidates are currently living in Africa

There are three seats open and I hope at least one can go to someone in this list of folks:

  • Velda Kiara
  • Chris Achinga
  • Sarah Abderemane
  • Jay Miller